13 People Battling for Their Lives from Rabies Dogs Bites in Gomoa Dominase 

Some dogs with rabies have attacked and bitten 13 people at Gomoa Dominase in the Gomoa East District of the Central Region.

Information gathered revealed that, although nobody has died as a result of the dogs bite, the 13 people are battling for their lives in various hospitals hence authorities must act immediately to halt the unfortunate situation.

The devastating attacks occurred within three days and has cast a shadow of grief over the community, raising concerns about the safety of its residents.

Additionally, there is now a pressing concern regarding the potential transmission of rabies to the affected persons.

Some angry residents have expressed deep worry about the potential dangers associated with the infection, prompting authorities to take immediate action.

Their priority is to address the situation swiftly and safeguard the health and well-being of the community.

Assemblyman for Dominase electoral area, Hon Bennie Mussuloni confirmed the incident and also explained measures being put in place.

Hon Bennie Mussuloni said it is a longtime taboo to bring a dog into Gomoa Dominase township hence Nananom has instructed the youths to kill all dogs in the town.

He added that, so far about 11 dogs have been killed.