I Want My Book To Promote And Raise Awareness Of Art In Its Diverse Forms

The chief executive officer for Padiki Art Gallery, Sharon Dede Padi has disclosed she wants to use her book to promote and raise awareness of art in its diverse forms.

Her paintings encompass various styles, colors, and themes which some are abstract in nature, rooted in the local context, and aimed at creating awareness of our rich culture and diverse heritage.

She said, we can make Ghana an even more compelling destination for the diaspora, fostering a deeper understanding of their heritage and roots. Additionally, feminism, particularly the inherent strength of African women, constitutes another central theme in my work, manifested through my brushstrokes.

Addressing the media after the lunch of her book titled, REFLEXIONS Madam Sharon Dede further indicated The book is made up of artistic impressions transposed into drawings nicely summed up in the poetic words of hundred of her beautiful paintings.

In her opening remarks, Madam Padiki intimated that she realized her painting and artistic prowess as early as ten years old. Even though at KNUST she did architecture engineering but she still felt the art instinct in her and so decided to add it to her profession as a pastime.

According to her, the subject of architecture and art has a common denominator since they all involve drawing. She revealed that she draws about 15 pictures per night after her normal daily activities. A mother of three, a product of Aburi girls, KNUST and now doing her Ph. D at one of the universities in Ghana uses all her time do work, paint, take care of her three children and still have time to study.

She does water and color painting, card pasting, drawing and so on. Later she told the Media that the market for arts is so unattractive because most Ghanaians don't cherish or don't understand paintings

She said the artwork is time-consuming and expensive but its returns are very meagre. She called on Ghanaians to embrace drawings and paintings since they represent nature, cultural symbols and totems. According to her Art have thoughts, symbols, and meanings expressed in that order. She agreed that combing all her efforts has a toll on her persona but her passion and joy in doing those things make her fulfilled.

She recommended for use at second-cycle schools in the country. Present at the ceremony were top politicians, chiefs, ministers of state, academia, public and civil servants, old students of Aburi Girls. In fact, the launch was well attended. The first two copies of the auction of the books fetched 10,000 ghc. A total of GHC 47,500.00 was realised during the auction. Buyers of the book took away paintings of their choice.

She stressed that, as we embark on this literary journey together, I invite you to open your hearts and minds to the symphony of colours and words that awaits within the pages of REFLEXIONS. Let us celebrate the union of art and poetry, and may this book inspire and touch the depths of your being, just as it has touched mine.