NDC Marks Prof. Mills’ 10 Years Anniversary

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) held its 10th memorial lecture in Sunyani in the Bono Region to mark the passing of former President John Evans Atta Mills.

Organized by J.E.A Mills Memorial Heritage under the theme, ‘The Man John Evans Atta Mills- Ten Years On’, the lecture forms part of activities commemorating the tenth anniversary of his demise.

In a keynote address, Dean of Students, University of Energy and Natural Resources, (UENR) Prof. Dominic Otoo, described the late former President’s demeanor as a source of inspiration as he stood against corruption and promoted the rule of law. He said President Atta Mills’ in his reign as the commander-in-chief of the Ghana Armed Forces and an educationist strengthened state institutions and encouraged good health for all, promoted equity by implementing a uniform pay policy for all public sector workers through the implementation of the Universal Single Pay structure otherwise known as Single Spine.

He further described the late President as an oasis of peace and a peace maker hence the accolade King of Peace (Asomdwehene) emphasising that the late President Atta Mills made no disparaging comment even when a section of the public spoke against his persona.

“That is the man we all gather here today to remember and learn from. As a promoter and lover of peace, he earned the title of Asomdwehene (king of peace),” he said.

Prof. Otoo said Mills’ legacy on education included promoting gender equality in schools, promoting school dropout retention, teacher development, adequate educational infrastructure, removing schools under trees, and abolishing the shit system.

“As universities don he established two universities in his short country leadership. The University of Energy and Natural Resources where I teach in the Bono Region and the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ho,” he recounted.

“We instituted this day to commemorate the character of John Evans Atta Mills. His character and leadership style must be a benchmark for candidates seeking political office in this country,” he advised.

Private legal practitioner, Yaw Wiredu Peprah, former council chair of KNUST, and Sarah Mensah among other speakers eulogized the late Prof. John Evans Atta Mills as a man of peace, and integrity epitomized by his humility, candor, patience, equity, transparency, honesty, empathy, justice, truthfulness, and sacrifice as what he lived for.

Dignitaries present to observe the lecture included the President of Bono Regional House of Chiefs, Osagyefo Osadeoyo Agyemang Badu II, Yeji Manhene, Pimampim Yaw Kabrese, Johnson Aseidu Nketia Ato Ahoi, Alex Segbefia, Nii Lampty Vandapui, current and past MPs and NDC national and regional executives.

A book cataloging the speeches of Prof Mills at the UN Assembly titled ‘Atta Mills Speaks’ was launched. The first copy was bought by Bono, Bono East, and Ahafo Region MPs Caucus of the party for GH¢50,000.