McDan Receives Warm Welcome from Traditional Leaders in Cape Coast

In a recent visit to Cape Coast for the #McDanYouthConnect event at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Chair of the McDan Group, Dr. Daniel McKorley (McDan), took the opportunity to pay courtesy calls to esteemed traditional leaders in the area.

He first visited the Zongo Chief of the Kotokuraba traditional area, Chief Dandey followed by a visit to the Omanhene of Cape Coast, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II. These meetings not only showcased the respect and admiration for Dr. McKorley but also provided a platform for insightful conversations and words of wisdom.

At the Zongo Chief's palace, Dr. McKorley was warmly welcomed by Chief Dandey and his council.

They expressed their appreciation for his visit and the positive impact he has made in various sectors, particularly in empowering the youth. The Zongo Chief commended Dr. McKorley for his commitment to uplifting communities and encouraged the youth to follow his example of hard work and dedication.

Following his visit to Chief Dandey, Dr. McKorley had the honor of meeting with the esteemed Omanhene of Cape Coast, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II at his office.

The Omanhene would later on attend the #McDanYouthConnect# event at UCC together with some of his sub chiefs in the area and shared valuable insights with the students.

He emphasized the importance of education, entrepreneurship, and community development, highlighting Dr. McKorley as an exemplary role model for the youth.

During the event, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II took the opportunity to pay glowing tributes to Dr. McKorley, expressing his gratitude for choosing the University of Cape Coast as a platform to inspire and empower young minds.

The Omanhene praised Dr. McKorley's commitment to nation-building and his unwavering dedication to fostering positive change.

Dr. McKorley, in turn, expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and the opportunity to meet with the esteemed traditional leaders.

He acknowledged the significance of their wisdom and guidance in shaping communities and inspiring the youth. Dr. McKorley reiterated his commitment to supporting the development of the youth and working hand in hand with traditional leaders to create a better future.

The courtesy calls to the Zongo Chief and the Omanhene of Cape Coast highlighted the unity between traditional leadership, entrepreneurship, and youth empowerment. The exchanges of wisdom and gratitude during these meetings further strengthened the bond between Dr. McKorley, the traditional leaders, and the community of Cape Coast.

Dr. Daniel McKorley's visit to Cape Coast not only brought inspiration and empowerment to the UCC students during the #McDanYouthConnect event but also showcased the importance of engaging with traditional leaders and fostering collaborations that drive positive change.

The support and appreciation received from the Zongo Chief and the Omanhene of Cape Coast exemplify the unity and shared vision for a prosperous future.