Call For My Dismissal Is Freedom Of Speech - Ofori-Atta

Ghana’s Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, has responded to calls for his dismissal as the Finance Minister, stating that such calls are part of democracy and freedom of speech.

Ofori-Atta made these comments during an appearance on GTV’s Talking Point show.

Despite facing criticism for the country’s economic challenges and the decision to seek a bail-out from the International Monetary Fund, Ofori-Atta remained resolute and focused on addressing these issues.

He acknowledged the censure vote in Parliament and emphasized that it highlighted the democratic nature of the country.

Ofori-Atta stated that he is committed to serving the nation and was not deterred by the resignation calls.

He acknowledged that the period during which there were calls for his resignation was challenging.
However, he reiterated his commitment to serving the nation and turning the country’s economy around.

He also mentioned the efforts made by his team to meet the requirements set by the International Monetary Fund. Ofori-Atta highlighted the importance of working diligently to restore confidence in the country’s economy.

On the inclusion of pension funds in the Domestic Debt Exchange program, Ofori-Atta disclosed that an agreement has been reached between the government and fund managers.

He believes that this move will contribute to macro-economic stability and create safer investment instruments for the future.

He expressed optimism that the discussions would be concluded by September.

Regarding arrears owed to trainees in the Nation’s Builders Corps Program (NABCo) and the Colleges of Education Teachers Association, Ghana (CETAG), Ofori-Atta confirmed that plans were in place to address these payments. He assured the public that payments would be made in an organized manner.

Furthermore, Ofori-Atta revealed that the government has allocated resources to the Ghana Enterprises Agency to provide grants to Ghanaian businesses.

In conclusion, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta addressed the calls for his sacking, defending them as part of democracy and freedom of speech.

He expressed his determination to overcome the economic challenges facing Ghana and emphasized the government’s efforts to promote stability and support local businesses.