NPP Parliamentary Race: Atiwa West Heats Up! Over Eighty Taxi Drivers Adorn Their Cars with Posters Of Samuel Awuah Dankwa

The hottest topic currently in the Atiwa West Constituency in the Eastern Region revolves around the proactive actions of more than 80 taxi drivers.

They have boldly adorned their vehicles with posters of Samuel Awuah Dankwa, demonstrating their unwavering support for him as the ideal candidate to succeed the outgoing Member of Parliament, Honorable Kwasi Amoako Attah, who also serves as the Minister for Roads and Highways.

Hon. Kwasi Amoako Attah, having served as the MP since 2010, has officially declared his decision not to seek re-election.

These dedicated taxi drivers firmly believe that Samuel Awuah Dankwa, an enterprising individual not directly involved in government affairs, has made a remarkable impact on the community.

He has generously invested millions of cedis in supporting talented yet underprivileged students in the Region.

According to the taxi drivers, Samuel Awuah Dankwa, a native of Akyem Bomaa with a residence within the constituency, is easily accessible and being a local, he is always available to attentively listen to the concerns of the people.

The drivers maintain if Samuel Awuah Dankwa is granted the opportunity to serve as Member of Parliament for Atiwa West Constituency, he possesses the capability to provide greater support to the residents in the area.

Despite acknowledging that the constituency may witness fierce competition in the NPP MP primaries, they earnestly implore the delegates to choose a candidate who is consistently available, approachable, respectful and kind.

They believe "approachability" is vital for understanding the issues that the community is facing and effectively address them.

"If the delegates fail to choose him as the rightful candidate, it will be a significant setback for the constituency. Among all the contenders we've heard about coming here, he stands out as the only candidate we are familiar with. He's not only a resident of the constituency but also the most accessible candidate.”

Samuel Awuah Dankwa has convincingly demonstrated his suitability to lead Atiwa West, especially following the tenure of the outgoing Member of Parliament, Hon Kwasi Amoako Attah.

“We, the taxi drivers, are well aware of his substantial financial contributions to education through the Awuah Dankwa Education Foundation (ADEF) for the constituents. Almost every family in Atiwa West has benefited one way or the other from the benevolence of Mr. Awuah Dankwa for the past 10 years.

“He has also been a strong benefactor to the NPP Party. Mr. Awuah Dankwa was pivotal in the 2020 campaign that helped the NPP to stay in government. He led and fully financed a three-month house-to-house campaign with the youth of Atiwa West.”

“His commitment to this cause predates his decision to run for Atiwa West, and we want to commend those who persuaded him to enter the race. We earnestly hope that the delegates will endorse him with a resounding 80% of the votes.”

“Nonetheless, we recognize that politics can be a contentious arena, and some experienced individuals may attempt to influence the process with monetary incentives. For the betterment of Atiwa West's future, we implore the 393 delegates not to disappoint the over 40,000 voters in Atiwa West. If the other candidates who are currently serving in the Akufo-Addo administration offer you money, take it, but cast your votes judiciously for Awuah Dankwa.

“Those candidates failed to support the constituents even after being in government for the past six years. We the people of Atiwa West love Mr. Samuel Awuah Dankwa and want him to serve us as our MP and so if the NPP wants to break the eight, then the delegates must elect him as the NPP Parliamentary Candidate. He is the only one who can drive up the votes of the NPP in the 2024 general elections", the drivers told journalists in an interview.