Is It The Position Of The Party? – Koku Asks NDC To Speak On Mahama’s Comment That The Courts Will Be Packed With Pro-NDC Judges

National Executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) must state whether it is the official position of the party to pack the courts with pro-NDC judges if the party comes to power as indicated by former President John Dramani Mahama, a former Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, Koku Anyidoho has demanded.

Koku Anyidoho said Mr Mahama’s comment is dangerous and takes Ghana back to the dark days.

Mr Mahama had indicated the current constitution of the judiciary is New Patriotic Party-inclined as almost all the appointments made by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo are meant to do his bidding.

“You can see what the current president has done,” the flagbearer of the NDC noted in an address to the 3rd Annual Lawyers Conference of the NDC on Saturday, September 2.

“He has appointed the biggest number of judges onto the bench, it is more than 80 towards 100 and counting. He has packed the court and we know they have packed the court because they want to avoid accountability after they have left office.”

Mr Mahama, therefore, charged the lawyer members of the NDC to get ready for a balancing-out of this act by the President.

“We must be prepared as NDC legal persons to also go onto the bench so that we can balance out the judiciary.

“Currently, the judiciary is packed with NPP-inclined judges because this government has carried out a deliberate policy of putting their people on to the bench. So, I encourage some of you to look at careers on the bench so that we can balance out what the current situation is.”

But a series of tweets, Mr Anyidoho said “It is very scary that the Leader of JJ Rawlings’ NDC is not telling us how he intends to build a Better Ghana but is gleefully shouting about “balancing equation” on the Bench. I am really scared!!! I fear for the future of this country if this is the way forward.