Those Lobbying To Replace Professor Jayne Opoku-Agyemang: Do They Have Her Caliber Of Integrity? Certainly Not!

When the late Ghanaian political stalwart, the venerable Joseph Henry (JH) Mensah, told the 17 NPP elephants to “checkie wu hu”, in the build-up to their 2008 congress to elect a flagbearer to replace J.A. Kufuor, the respected man knew exactly what he was talking about.

Why is that some people do not check themselves before mentally masturbating (apologies to Kwaku Baako), and wetting their pants all over the place with their premature orgasms? Has the running make slot in the NDC become like a public latrine and so everyone thinks they can just walk in an sh*t?

As we continue to hear the names doing the rounds as regards persons lobbying to become running mate of the party of, JJ Rawlings, John Evans Atta-Mills, Dr. Mary Grant, Justice D.F. Annan, P.V. Obeng, A.A. Munufie, Issifu Ali, Kofi Awoonor, Kojo Tsikata and co, we wonder what it is that has cheapened the slot such that every joker is now going around lobbying for the position.

Or it has got all to do with the person who has emerged as Flagbearer again?

Honestly, The Informer is more than convinced that it is the attitude of the Flagbearer that has made it possible for every joker to be sleeping and wetting their pants dreaming about becoming running mate of NDC and also becoming Vice President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana.

We ask: the jokers who are busy lobbying to becoming running mate, what is their level of integrity?

Are those jokers saying that if they should be put to the integrity test, they will score much higher marks than Professor Naana Opoku-Agyemang?

We know it for a fact that some of the jokers have been barred by certain countries – and so they cannot get visas to those countries.

Yes; we are saying without any equivocation that some of the people lobbying to be running mate on the ticket of the NDC have so soiled their reputation to the extent that they have been blacklisted by some countries and so cannot travel to those countries until further notice.

Or is it a case that they are looking for the running mate slot in a bid to try and washup their soiled image?

As for the ones who are in court here in Ghana and their passports have been seized, they really amaze us with their lobbying antics.

You have been given a “simple” leadership position in parliament, and you are struggling to maintain a minimum modicum of leadership skills and you are busy lobbying to become running mate of JJ Rawlings’ NDC? Lord have mercy!!

Was Professor Jayne Naan Opoku-Agyemang, the first female to become a Vice Chancellor of a public university in Ghana? Is that a common feat?

Is she not an accomplished academic of repute? Is she not a professor of English and speaks the language 100 times better than some of those jokers who “doesn’t know” (one of their favourite phrases) how to speak English.

As Education Minister, can anyone point to any untoward thing she did at the Ministry?

Did she not leave the Ministry with a clean record?

We are agree that she may not be a savvy politician but she certainly did not beg to be picked in 2020 and so she cannot be dropped like a bag of rotten potatoes as if she was the reason why the election was lost.

Especially because we know that those lobbying are looking for the post just to amass wealth unlike Jayne Naana Opoku-Agyemang, The Informer is unable to sit quietly and allow this kind of blatant rot to be going on in the NDC.

We have stated emphatically over the years that we were an integral part of the victories of 2008 and 2012 and so nobody shall be able to stop us from commenting on the gross ills bedeviling our beloved NDC.

We also know it for a fact that the Council of Elders has not been consulted and is not in support of any of the jokers who are lobbying to take over from the learned Professor.

It is common knowledge that it is the wife of the flagbearer who is ordering her husband to drop the learned Professor because the learned academic the last time around in 2020, exhibited too much integrity on the campaign ticket.

Yes, the wife of the flagbearer is worried that the integrity of the Professor will badly expose the greed and selfish agenda of some of them and so the plan is to kick out the Professor and replace her with a person who has no integrity and will do the bidding of the former first lady without any questioning.

This is the extremely sickening agenda that some people are pursuing to the total collapse of the once rock-solid NDC.

Since these jokers have decided that they would not check themselves out in the mirror before stepping out to lobby, The Informer too, per very credible information from our trusted insider sources, will continue to roll out the issues in our publications so that one day when these crop of leaders finally do the unthinkable, discerning minds would give us our stone of vindication for flagging the issues way ahead of the disaster day.

Honestly, the NDC is on a very dangerous path to political self-destruction and The Informer will continue to speak loudly so that posterity will not add our name to the list of those who would be crucified from consciously destroying the rich revolutionary party that was formed on the illuminating ideals, of, Probity, Accountability and Integrity.

We weep for the future of a once great party called the National Democratic Congress which has now become a Non-Democratic Cult.

We have run our corn aground, let the fowls peck as they wish!!!