Akosombo Dam Spillage: Let's Relax For The Politics We Do In Ghana - Prof. Smart Sarpong 'Defends' President

Professor Smart Sarpong, a Senior Research Fellow of the Kumasi Technical University, has asked Ghanaians to take a chill pill over President Nana Akufo-Addo's comments during his visit to victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage in the Volta Region.

The President reminded the people of his role as the leader of the country saying "when these things happen and government acts, politics does not come into the matter at all. When I took the Oath of Office as President, I took the oath as president for every single individual in Ghana, all people in Ghana, all districts and whether they voted for me or not, once I have taken the oath, I am the President of all the people so Togbe, I want the people here, beginning with you, and the elders to understand that when something like this happens and Government acts, Government is acting for Ghanaians, all Ghanaians".

"I came here because Ghanaians are having difficulties and are suffering, and it is my responsibility to try and help. Because, if it is a question of counting who votes for me and who doesn't vote for me, then I shouldn't be here, because you don't vote for me. But that is not my concern. And, in any event, one day you will vote for me and my party," he added while speaking to the victims at Mepe in the Region.

But these comments by the President have stirred mixed reactions from Ghanaians; some say it was bad timing and others think he was on point.

The President's comment has also taken a political turn with his opponents using it against him but to Professor Smart Sarpong, Ghanaians are overburdening themselves with the President's remarks.

"Let's relax for the politics that we do here in Ghana. Let's appreciate. The leaders know those who vote for and against them but in their administration of Ghana as a country, I think that, largely, they have been very fair and distributed State resources at least as far as they can equitably," he advised during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" panel discussion programme.