Everything Shows I Will Be President Someday - Prince David Osei

Actor Prince David Osei has hinted at his political ambitions, suggesting that he sees the presidency in his future.

In a tweet on a Monday, the actor conveyed his determination to pursue a presidential role, despite his colleagues in the entertainment industry seemingly reluctant to support him.

He humorously mentioned that the “calling” to become the president was undeniable, even though he tried to avoid it.
He stated, “Chief Daddy, No matter how hard I try to avoid the calling, everything shows I have to be the president someday that’s why my friends in the game don’t want to support me… But what is written is written…”

The comment is the first time that Prince David has publicly spoken about his potential presidential aspirations.
While the actor is primarily known for his contributions to the entertainment industry, he has also been actively involved in the political arena. Notably, he campaigned for President Akufo -Addo during the 2020 presidential elections, actively showing his support for the political leader.