'Avoid Fake Accounts Impersonating Me' - Hon. Joseph Osei-Owusu Warns

The Member of Parliament for Bekwai Constituency and First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Hon. Joseph Osei-Owusu has cautioned the general public to disregard any social media handles portraying his name and used to solicit offers. 

Hon. Joseph Osei-Owusu warns that some unscrupulous individuals have created fake accounts and parody profiles for their malicious intent.

He asked the public to be vigilant to avoid being a victim of this malicious impersonation.

“I would like to let the general public know by this notice that I am not the one behind these accounts. Aside WhatsApp, I have no social media account, page or platform on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any social media app”, he disclaimed.

Read full disclaimer below: