IMANI Vice President Hails Dr. Bawumia For His Humility And Exceptional Leadership

IMANI Vice President, Kofi Bentil has eulogised Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in an open and touching epistle.

Writing on his Facebook page, Kofi Bentil expressed deep admiration for Dr. Bawumia's humility, the way he has conducted himself in government in the midst of limitations, his impact as a Vice President, the decent campaign he has run prior to the NPP Presidential Primaries as well as the promising future Dr. Bawumia has as the best person to lead Ghana due to his flawless track record.

"Years ago I assessed the field and before anyone did, I boldly declared that of them all ,you were the best.
I promised to watch closely and said I would change my mind if you changed, or other facts came up,"
Kofi Bentil wrote in his open letter to Vice President Bawumia ahead of the NPP November 4 election.

He added; "I am glad to say, across the years you have proven that my trust was not misplaced. You have conducted a most dignified campaign whilst under fire.
You managed all manner of attacks on your person and even your wife, my own Samira, with the needed restraint and decorum."

The IMANI Vice President also said, as a Vice President with limited powers, Dr. Bawumia has demonstrated "positive teamsmanship" and "loyalty" by not publicly distancing himself from challenges of the present government which Bentil noted are not the Bawumia's faults. 

He praised Dr. Bawumia's efforts in government, saying, inspite of his limitations, the latter has made significant impact.

"Take heart because some of the best programmes and successes of this team have your name on it. And those who know understand that some of the failures were not your doing", Kofi Bentil empathized.

With Dr. Bawumia being the favorite in the NPP flagbearer race this Saturday with hope to be elected to face former President Mahama in the 2024 elections, Kofi Bentil minced no words declaring him as the "fine" gentleman to become better President for the country.