Nana Promises Massive Western North Development

President Akufo-Addo has promised the chiefs and people of the Western North Region that his government would carry out significant infrastructural development projects that would draw potential investors to the area.

He stressed that the current government after honouring it promise of creating the new region, has already constructed a regional administrative facility for the area.

He also mentioned the construction of road networks, healthcare facilities and educational facilities, which have already generated employment opportunities for the people.

The President was speaking at a durbar to climax the celebration of this year’s Eluo Festival of the chiefs and people of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area in the Western North Region.

It was on the theme: “Ensuring Pro-Active Socio-Economic Development in Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, The Role of Traditional Leaders.”

The President was grateful to the Paramount Chief of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, Katakyie Kwasi Bumangama ll for supporting the government in the creation of the region and acknowledging the government’s unprecedented achievement in the region and the country as a whole.

He assured the people that his government will complete all the Sefwi Wiawso town road projects before the end of this year, as well as work to develop all parts of the country without any form of discrimination.

Katakyie Kwasi Bumangama ll, appealed to the President to help establish a cocoa processing factory in the Western North regional capital of Sefwi Wiawso as part of the One-District, One-Factory initiative.

He said the numerous development projects that are being spread across the length and breadth of the region attest to how the creation of the region has benefited the people.

Katakyie Kwasi Bumangama II, who is also a Board Member of the Forestry Commission, emphasised that the establishment of a cocoa processing factory in the region was long overdue.

He noted that the establishment of the factory would not only create employment opportunities but also help prevent the youth from engaging in illegal mining activities.

“We, the chiefs and people of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, are still looking forward to this dream becoming a reality,” he stated.

He appealed to the President to complete the Sefwi Benchema-Adjoafua Road, which has been suspended for some months now due to financial challenges, before his term of office ends.

“We are grateful to your administration for the numerous development projects in this area. The Benchema-Adjoafua Road has seen much sod cutting under different administrations.

“But when you assumed office in 2017, your government started construction and we believe it would be completed before your term ends,” he added.