Walewale, Nalerigu Standstill For Dr. Bawumia With His Triumphant Return Home

The serene North Eastern Regional towns of Walewale and Nalerigu in the North East Region were set agog on Monday when Vice President Dr. Mahamudu visited for the first time as flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Dr. Bawumia, who was historically elected flagbearer of the NPP earlier this month, is in the North for what can be described as a special homecoming visit to express gratitude to the people including traditional rulers and ask for their support and prayers.

In line with tradition, Dr. Bawumia started his visits by going to his home region, the North Region, where he called on the Nayiri (Overlord of Mamprugu) Naa Abdulai Mahami Sheriga

Before he arrived at the Palace of the Nayiri in Nalerigu where a mammoth crowd welcomed him, the new NPP flagbearer and his entourage drove through Walewale, his hometown, where scores of people started coming out from all corners to catch a glimpse of their son.

Dr. Bawumia, who was seated in a bus alongside a number of MPs and party executives had to leave the bus to be in an open-top vehicle to be able to respond to the cheers from the enthusiastic crowd.