Waiving Import Duties On Electric Cars Is The Right Way To Go - Akomea Lauds Gov't

The Chief Executive Officer of the InterCity State Transport Corporation, Nana Akomea has commended the Akufo-Addo government for not imposing taxes on the importation and assembly of electric cars in the country.

The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta delivering the 2024 budget statement at Parliament, announced that the government, as part of its fiscal measures, has decided to waive import duties on electric vehicles designated for public transportation for 8 years.

In the same vein, import duties on semi-knocked down and completely knocked down Electric vehicles imported by registered electric vehicles' assembly companies in Ghana for 8 years have also been waived.

Speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Tuesday morning, Nana Akomea was thrilled by this announcement.

To him, the tax relief will be extremely beneficial to the electric vehicle industry as it will encourage major investment in the sector.

"It will help and ensure that, in the next five to ten years, the electric industry in Ghana will grow", he said.