Don’t Camp, Bus Delegates - NPP General Secretary To Parliamentary Aspirants

The General Secretary of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Justin Kodua Frimpong has warned NPP parliamentary aspirants against camping delegates in the upcoming parliamentary primary scheduled for Saturday, January 27, 2024.

Mr Kodua Frimpong, who was addressing journalists in Kumasi, explained that the NPP had come with these measures because it wanted the entire exercise to be free and fair. 

"The party has formulated these rules and regulations to ensure free and fair elections and we believe that everyone should be allowed to feel free to walk to the polling centre to cast their vote. It is of this belief that we have made the statement that no one should camp delegates at any place,” he said. 

The party’s chief scribe equally warned delegates who would be exercising their franchise in the upcoming internal elections to desist from taking photos and videos of their votes. 

He cautioned that if caught, they would be handed over to the police for prosecution.

Earlier this year, the NPP cleared 326 parliamentary aspirants for the January 27, 2024 primaries to elect parliamentary candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting Members of Parliament (MPs).

Out of the total number of 373 aspirants, who filed to contest the primaries, after vetting, 29 are going unopposed, 11 were disqualified, two were referred to the National Executive Committee (NEC), two stepped down, one incomplete form and two did not show up for vetting leaving the qualified aspirants for the primaries at 326.