Irate NPP Youth Secure Injunction On Asante Mampong Parliamentary Primaries

The New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Parliamentary Primaries in Asante Mampong slated for this Saturday, January 27, has been postponed following a filing of injunction by some thirty five party members.

Some angry party activists contested the legitimacy of the polling station elections in February 2022, leading to a plethora of legal battles in the party in Asante Mampong.

After spending a year and more in court, the case was rejected by the Mampong High Court, allowing the party to organise elections for constituency executives and electoral area coordinators.

The plaintiffs, being unsatisfied with the verdict of the court, filed a supplementary order to stop the polling station officials from participating in 2023’s Presidential Primaries.

The polling station executives were able to particptae in the elections having not received the restraining order in due time.

The irate party members led by one Kofi Sarpong, have however, secured a new injunction in the Court of Appeal following the dismissal of their earlier case.

The Asante Mampong constituency Secretary, Alhaji Malik Agyei, affirmed the receipt of the injunction. 

"We received a letter yesterday [Jan. 23], and the understanding is that some 25 people took the party to court on February 25, 2020, and the reason was that polling station elections that were conducted were unclean because they say people were denied forms, the forms of others were torn, and others were made to contest for positions that they did not intend to contest, and it was dismissed,”

 Explaining further, Alhaji Malik said, “Little did we know they have gone again to injunct the primaries. I was there yesterday, and they brought an interlocutory injunction from the High Court. And so as we speak now, we have been duly served, and it is to be moved on February 14, 2024, and so we await for the court to sit on the injunction to pave way for the primaries,”