NPP Parliamentary Primaries: Be “Faithful” And “Committed” To NPP After Election – Wontumi To Ashanti Region Aspirants

The Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Mr. Bernard Antwi-Boasiako, affectionately known as Chairman Wontumi has wished all parliamentary aspirants in the region well ahead of their election.

He urged all aspirants both winners and losers to be “committed” and “faithful” to the NPP in their quest to Break the 8 after their contest.  

“As we are all aware, our hung parliament situation required that our MPs stayed devoted to our government and party; something they have so far proven to the admiration of all.” He said in a statement signed by his aide, Nana Poku Frefre.

Read below the full statement  

On Saturday, 27th January 2024, our beloved party, the New Patriotic Party, holds its parliamentary primaries at the constituencies with “NPP-sitting” Members of Parliament, across the country.

I write on behalf of the Ashanti Regional Chairman of our party, Mr. Bernard Antwi-Boasiako, affectionately known as Chairman Wontumi, to convey his goodwill message to all aspirants, particularly those in the Ashanti Region.

As we are all aware, our hung parliament situation required that our MPs stayed devoted to our government and party; something they have so far proven to the admiration of all. Chairman Wontumi, therefore, considers it very prudent to commend the current Members of Parliament for their hard work and steadfastness for the party and the entire nation. He also seizes this opportunity to say a big Thank You to the MPs in the Ashanti Region that have decided to call time as parliamentarians, for their service to the party and the region. He believes they will continue to work selflessly with and for the party, in the region and beyond.  

Widely recognised for our high democratic standards, it is his sincere desire that, the processes run smoothly and transparently in order to achieve the free and fair elections that he has been working tirelessly towards. He therefore wishes to use this medium to make a passionate appeal to all the aspirants to eschew all forms of unwholesome actions that could mar the beauty of this exercise, as well as the gains we have earned for the image of our beloved party over the years.

Then to our hardworking electoral officers, he urges you to demonstrate a high sense of professionalism in the discharge of your duties, as always, and he trusts you to live up to expectations.

It is his prayer and hope that, God orders the smooth running of these processes as we select the best candidates to represent our beloved party in the next parliament. The “Breaking the 8” agenda is on course, and His Excellency Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia will surely be elected to continue the good works of our President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.  

May God bless us all. Thank you!



Nana Poku Frefre

(Political Assistant, Chairman Bernard Antwi-Boasiako, Wontumi Ashanti Regional Chairman - NPP)