Stop Making Our Work Difficult…Withdraw 'Unnecessary' Emission Levy, VAT On Electricity Now! - Nana B 'Fires' Govt

Henry Nana Boakye, the National Organizer of the New Patriotic Party, has implored the government to, with immediate effect, withdraw the emission levy imposed on vehicles.

The government announced the imposition of a levy on carbon dioxide equivalent emissions on internal combustion engine vehicles in accordance with the Emissions Levy Act, 2023 (Act 1112).

The Emissions Levy is in line with the government’s efforts aimed at tackling greenhouse gas emissions, promoting the use of eco-friendly technology, and ensuring a safe environment.

But many Ghanaians, particularly car owners, drivers, and motorists, have complained bitterly about this emission levy, citing the economic burdens it adds to their plight.

Nonetheless, the government, through the Ghana Revenue Authority, has effected the levy.

The implementation of the emission levy came into force yesterday, February 1.

Addressing this levy during a panel discussion on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” show, Henry Nana Boakye, affectionately called “Nana B”, asked the government to pay attention to the cries of the masses.

He told the host, Nana Yaw Kesseh, that the government must stop the implementation of the levy.

“The government must withdraw with immediate effect. It is unnecessary...What is Emission Levy?" he slammed the government.

He emphasized, "We all admit that the COVID and Russia-Ukraine war brought economic pressure. We don't have to further burden Ghanaians...For me, that emissions levy must be withdrawn ASAP. Let’s listen to what the grassroots are saying. I’m the National Organizer of my party; I listen to my people.”

He also cautioned the government against the imposition of VAT on electricity consumption.

“This must be withdrawn in addition to the VAT on electricity," he exclaimed.

He noted that his call for the withdrawal of these taxes is supported by the ruling New Patriotic Party.

"I am not stating my individual position. That is the position of the party."