Hon. Valentino Nii Noi Nortey Assures To Change The Destiny Of Klottey Korle If Elected

Valentino Nii Noi Nortey, Parliamentary Candidate for Korle Klottey Constituency has assured his constituent to bring positive change when he win the 2024 election.

Speaking to a crowd during a brief campaign meeting yesterday (1st February 2024) at the Karma Conference Centre in Labone, the parliamentary candidate for Klottey Korle constituency Hon. Valentino Nii Noi Nortey said that, his victory in the 2024 elections will bring the needed transformational change which Klottey Korle has longed for.

He debunked the argument that a Member of Parliament should not necessarily be held for non-development in the constituency, and mentioned 'appropriate spending and uniting the community' as part of his goals.

During his speech to the crowd, Hon. Valentino Nii Noi Nortey described his vision as a long term one which he is highly committed too. "I don't want to be a one term MP ...When I become MP, I become MP for the whole constituency. And, I assure you that there is going to be a very big positive change coming to Klottey Korle...", he said.

Hon. Valentino Nii Noi Nortey added that he wasn't interested in joining the flamboyant spending spree that is usually associated with political campaigns. Rather, he would channel those monies towards solving realistic and immediate problems. "We must cut funds on some of these campaign logistics and rather put the money into solving the actual problems that are facing the people", he said.

Finally, Hon. Valentino Nii Noi Nortey disagreed that ensuring development in the constituency shouldn't be a part of the Member of Parliament's duties.

"It is never true that MP's don't take part in development in the constituency. The MP should always have his or her ears on the ground and advocate for solutions to the problems and take gradual steps into solving them", he stated. Also, he cited persistence in advocating for such initiatives at parliament and the use of the *MP's Common Fund* as opportunities for bringing development to the constituency.