EC's New Election Date Proposal: Be Measured In Your Utterances and Tone Down - Nana B Pleads With Mahama

Former President John Dramani Mahama has been warned against attempting to find possible excuses in the event of an unsuccessful presidential bid by laying blame at the doorstep of the Electoral Commission.

The former President has been critical of the EC, particularly concerning their reforms regarding this year's general elections, and referenced the Commission's intent to change the country's general election date.

The Electoral Commission has accepted a petition by Seventh-day Adventists and some Ghanaians to change the election date from December 7, which falls on Saturday this year, to Tuesday in the month of November.

The Adventists argue that December 7 will interfere with their Sabbath day.

But the National Democratic Congress and their leader, John Mahama, have opposed the decision, and in the opinion of the former President, should the Electoral Commission go on with the reform, it may result in mayhem.

“After every election, we sit and consider electoral reforms, and we agree on what to do. Since 2020, we have only 9 months to another election, and the EC has now come with major changes. No indelible ink and different reforms. When you do that, it doesn’t build the confidence of the people in the electoral process.

“We have returned to IPAC after the Peace Council intervened, and now they [EC] are saying they want to change the election date and that they want to bring a new CI to change the old CI but our concern is why wait till now? You don’t spring surprises on people; what if it doesn’t work and it leads to some disturbances? So that is our position," Mr. Mahama expressed his concerns about the election date.

Discussing the issue on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Henry Nana Boakye, NPP National Organizer, cautioned the former President to watch his tongue.

He stated that though he (Mahama) has the right to express his mind on an issue, he shouldn't make inciteful comments that provoke riots.

"We don't want former President Mahama to go to court again. We (NPP) won't go to court because we will win the election...We don't want him (Mahama) to go to court again, but we plead with him to be measured in his utterances. If the Electoral Commission introduces reforms and you disagree, express your mind, but for him to issue a threat that if it doesn't do this or that, then there will be chaos, I plead with Mr. Mahama to tone down," he warned.

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