Entrust Ghana Into Your 'Genuine Son' Mahama’s Hands; He is Trustworthy – Fifi Kwetey

General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, has urged the people of Northern Ghana to bank their hopes on John Dramani Mahama, in the upcoming 2024 elections, since "he is a son" they can "trust".

He emphasized that individuals with small businesses cannot rely on the Nana Addo-Bawumia government, as they are likely to impose burdensome taxes that could harm their enterprises.

Mr. Kwetey urged voters to make informed decisions during the December polls, prioritizing candidates who genuinely prioritize their welfare, regardless of their geographical location.

Speaking during the "Building Ghana Tour" in Tamale, in the Northern Region, he admonished party members and sympathisers to entrust Ghana into the hands of the party flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

He said, “Northern Region, you have produced a person that we can be proud of, a genuine son of the region, a genuine son of Ghana. He tells the truth. When he speaks, don’t you trust him? Yes, you can trust him. He told Ghana that even though dumsor was not caused by me, I will fix dumsor. And what did he do? He fixed it. So you can commit your business into his hands because he is a man that can be trusted. You can commit your farms into his hands; he is a man that can be trusted. You can commit Ghana and the resources of Ghana and the destiny of 30 million plus Ghanaians into his hands because he can be trusted.”

“The same cannot be said of the other son that came from your region. That other son that comes from the Northeastern part of this region of yours cannot be trusted. So you have produced two sons, one can be trusted, the other one you cannot even give your small business into his hands. Comrades, you owe it to Ghana to ensure that the son who can be trusted rises again to the leadership of this country.”