Ministerial Reshuffle: Prez Akufo-Addo Applauded for Appointing Women

Governance lecturer at Central University, Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah, has commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for appointing women into ministerial positions.

A statement from the Presidency released on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, indicated that the President has relieved some ministers of their positions and others have been reassigned to different ministries.

Finance and Health Ministers, Ken Ofori-Atta and Kwaku Agyemang Manu have been removed, with Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance, and the Director of the National Health Insurance Authority, Dr. Bernard Okoe-Boye, appointed to the Finance and Health Ministries, respectively.

Some females elevated to hold ministerial positions include Fatimatu Abubakar, who has been appointed to the Ministry of Information, and Lydia Alhassan, who heads to the Sanitation and Water Resources Ministry.

Ophelia Hayford Mensah has also been appointed to the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation.

Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah was elated that the President has considered women in his government, giving them top-notch positions.

He lauded the president, saying, "Our politics have become like men's field. So, let's protect a few women who come out boldly. Let's encourage and support them so that they will succeed, because when they work hard, we reap lots of benefits. He has done well for female representation."

He asked for the female ministers, together with their male counterparts, to be encouraged to work hard towards the development of the nation.

"We need to encourage them. We need to support  them," he emphasized on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo".