NPP’s 2024 Manifesto to Be Unveiled By June

Dennis Miracles Aboagye, the Communications Director for the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) 2024 Election Campaign Team, announced that the party is set to present its 2024 manifesto to the people of Ghana by June this year.

Manifesto Preparation

Aboagye revealed that the manifesto committee, led by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the presidential candidate, is diligently working towards shaping policies for various sectors.
He emphasized the importance of the committee members’ specific skills and expertise in developing policies that address the needs of the nation.


Aboagye stated, “In about 60 days (two months), the various manifesto sub-committees should be shaping up, and we should be expecting the NPP’s manifesto in about three months’ time.” The committee aims to engage extensively with stakeholders to gather inputs and feedback that will ensure the manifesto is widely accepted and aligns with the aspirations of the people.

Key Committee Members

The manifesto committee is spearheaded by distinguished individuals, with Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu as the chairman, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah as the vice-chairman, and Evron Hughes serving as the secretary.
Collectively, they are tasked with conducting a thorough review of the NPP’s previous manifestos from the 2016 and 2020 elections to develop a forward-thinking and comprehensive manifesto for 2024.

Guided by Dr. Bawumia’s Vision

Aboagye highlighted that the committee will be guided by Dr. Bawumia’s mission to engage stakeholders and incorporate their insights into the manifesto.
This collaborative approach seeks to ensure that the final document resonates with Ghanaians and addresses their concerns effectively.

As the NPP prepares to unveil its 2024 manifesto, the committee members are dedicated to creating a robust document that reflects the party’s commitment to the progress and development of Ghana.