CPP Chair, Sarpong-Kumankumah, Wins Legal Battle Against Interim Council

A long-standing leadership dispute within the Convention People’s Party (CPP) has finally been settled by the Accra High Court.

In a ruling delivered on Monday (11 March), the court affirmed Nana Akosua Sarpong-Kumankumah’s position as the party’s chairperson.

The controversy began in December 2023 when several key CPP officials, including the general secretary, national organiser, and youth organiser, tendered their resignations following a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting.

This move led to the formation of an “interim council” intended to replace the existing leadership. However, Nana Akosua Sarpong-Kumankumah and her legal team challenged the legitimacy of this interim body.

Speaking to Asaase News, Nana Akosua Sarpong-Kumankumah’s lawyer, Oliver Barker Vormawor, welcomed the court’s decision, emphasising its clarity and finality.

Vormawor pointed out that, according to the court, the party’s Central Committee, headed by the chair and leader of the party, holds the sole authority to authorise actions on behalf of the CPP. The judge further ruled that the party’s constitution makes no provision for an “Interim Council.”
“The court ruling today brings a bit of clarity and finality to the issue. One; that the proper people who were supposed to authorise an action in the name of the CPP was the central committee of the party, which is led by the chair and the leader of the party, and not any group of individuals constituting themselves as an interim council. Secondly, that the party’s constitution does not know anything called an interim council, and that thirdly, that certain individuals within the party had sought to use the courts to perpetrate an injustice against the chair and leader of the party.”

Vormawor expressed gratitude to the court for upholding justice. He emphasised the ruling’s significance in allowing the CPP to “prepare and reorganise itself to compete in our democratic process.”

This decision paves the way for a unified CPP to move forward and participate effectively in the upcoming elections.