Mike Oquaye Jnr, Ursula Owusu et al Are Ungrateful - Rev. Owusu Bempah Fires

The Founder and Senior pastor of the Glorious Word Power International, Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah, has expressed his disappointment in some members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The revered man of God, over the years has given accurate prophecies about major incidents in the country, more especially within the political space.

It is recalled that, prior to the 2016 elections, Bishop Owusu Bempah put his ministry on the line declaring that, the incumbent President, Nana Addo Danqquah Akufo-Addo was going to be declared as the winner of the elections. 

Following his track records in prophecies, Rev Isaac Owusu Bempah is a-go-to for most politicians.

Granting an interview on Okay FM, Rev Owusu Bempah narrated how some of the NPP members came to him for spiritual assistance but turned their back on him after they had gotten what they came for.

According to him, Mike Ocquaye Jnr, the Parliamentary candidate for Dome-Kwabenya, consulted him for assistance following his series of failed attempts on winning the seat.

He added that, before the 2024 NPP primaries, he directed the then aspirant to perform some rituals as directed by God which led to a landslide victory but never came to appreciate him for the help.

Rev. Bempah said, "Mike Oqauye Jnr came to me and said he was struggling to win the Dome-Kwabenya seat, so I gave him directions . . . he (Mike Oquaye Jnr) confirmed that he and his team chanced on a scene of some big men performing rituals at a particular place which I had mentioned to him.

"I told him to perform the rituals at the same place and he won the elections. He called and said he had won the elections and that he was going to come and visit. Till date, I haven’t heard from him. So we have some politicians who are ungrateful."

He went ahead to mention the likes of the Communication Minister Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful and President Akufo-Addo, as persons he had done so much for yet, they all turned their backs on him.

Meanwhile, Mike Oquaye Jnr has issued an apology to the revered man of God on Okay FM’s  'Ade Akye Abia' programme on April 2.

He expressed grave remorse for not being able to visit Rev. Bempah as he had promised to do.

He said, "I have thanked every pastor who prayed for me to win. I tried reaching Owusu Bempah. I spoke to a friend that I was coming to meet you. I had a terrible flu and I was hoping it subsides so I can come and visit you. I am sorry."