CBG Commissions Sickbay Project At Berekum

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Consolidated Bank Ghana LTD (CBG) has officially launched the CBG Sickbay Project by commissioning an ultra-modern sickbay at Methodist Senior High/Technical School in Berekum.

The CBG Sickbay Project is an initiative aimed at improving the healthcare infrastructure in selected secondary schools across Ghana, providing students with access to quality medical services and promoting overall well-being.

The newly commissioned sickbay at Methodist Senior High/Technical School is the first of many such facilities that CBG plans to establish under this project. The sickbay is equipped with essential medical equipment, including beds, office equipment, and basic first-aid supplies.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, Deputy Managing Director of CBG, Mr. Thairu Ndungu, emphasized the Bank's commitment to supporting education, health, and community development in Ghana to advance SDGs 3, 4, and 6.

"As a responsible corporate citizen, we recognize our commitment to the community and the importance of providing a conducive environment that prioritizes their health and well-being. The CBG Sickbay Project is our way of contributing to the holistic development of the next generation," Mr. Ndungu said.

He added that the project is proof of CBG's dedication to building stronger communities and creating a lasting impact on the lives of Ghanaians.