Let's Be Patient With The Black Stars; Our Players Are Good! - Asamoah Gyan To Ghanaians

Asamoah Gyan, popularly called Baby Jet, has reposed confidence in the current Black Stars team, stressing they have a great potential for the future of Ghana's soccer.

The striker, who is Ghana's all-time top scorer, in an interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, asked Ghanaians to be patient with the team stating this is a new team that needs more grooming to develop into a fully-fledged team to make great strides that Ghanaians expect.

To him, the current crop of players are performing exceptionally well in their various clubs and therefore believes once given ample time to orient themselves, the Black Stars will become a formidable team once again.

"I think it is a very, very good team. The young players in the team [they] are doing so well for their clubs, so we should commend them for that. When you take the team, almost five to six players play in the premier league and the other players in different countries are performing very well.

"What excites me the most is that they are all in their early 20s which means if we groom them in the five years, I think they can dominate Africa", he said.

Asamoah Gyan added he has a strong faith in the team and advised Ghanaians to give the players time to develop themselves.

"It's a team that we are building...I have very good confidence in this team that they are budding young team, so Ghanaians should exercise patience with them."