Demo Against the Sale of SSNIT Hotels Hits Accra Today

The NDC Member of Parliament(MP) for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa will be leading a demonstration today in Accra in protest against the sale of four hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) to Rock City Hotel, owned by Food and Agriculture Minister, Bryan Acheampong.

The 60 percent stake in the hotels' sale to businessman cum politician has been questioned by Organised Labour and other stakeholders. 

The leader of the protest, Mr Ablakwa told Citi News in an interview that they would force the government to terminate the deal. 

“If Bryan Acheampong has the expertise and capacity to turn hotels around, he is sitting in cabinet, why doesn’t he bring that to bear so that we can turn these hotels around if indeed they are turning it around to benefit us all?

“Why is it that he will only bring his expertise to bear when he has bought it when he now has controlling shares of 60 percent, he stands to benefit directly as the sole shareholder of Rock City. I mean, how can you explain this? So what is he doing in the cabinet? Why are we paying him?”

“It is clear that this is all about state capture, and that is why all of us must rise up. If the numbers are massive, and I have no doubt that we are going to have a massive turnout, we will send a very clear message to the president that enough of the state capture,” he said.